Crime & Criminology Courses

Learn criminology online with courses exploring topics from forensics to the criminal justice system.

Topics related to Crime & Criminology

10 Courses

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Put crime under the microscope with these online courses exploring the world of criminology.

Criminology is a wide-ranging field that can help you to understand some of the most important aspects of our society – how we treat vulnerable people, and how the justice system works and could improve.

From examining the science of crime scenes to exploring the root causes of crime, Futurelearn’s flexible online courses allow you to learn criminology in a way that suits you. These courses are ideal for professionals in the field wanting to expand their knowledge, or just curious first-time learners.

Earn a criminology certificate

Earn personalised criminology certificates when you complete an online course on FutureLearn, complete with lead educator signatures, organisation logos and course details. Share your achievements with employers, on Linkedin, on your CV and more.

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